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Baby Registry Must Haves

I totally remember how stressful I found putting together a baby registry when I was pregnant. Everyone kept asking me if I had started it or got it ready for them to see and it just felt overwhelming, as where do you begin? But over time, through conversations with others, I started collating my needs and wants for my new arrival. 

Now having had two little men in my life, I have learned what items are essential; which are nice additions and the items I never ended up using. This baby must-haves list isn’t the be all end all, and of course should be altered to fit your tastes and needs. 


  1. Bassinet – I loved being able to have my babies right next to our bed. It’s not for everyone, but this makes it possible. 
  2. Video monitor – We chose a full HD video with night vision. There’s so many additional feature monitors on the market now. I liked being able to check in on baby anywhere we have cell service, by using it on our WiFi connection.  
  3. Crib – Take your time deciding this one, finding the one that suits your setup and tastes. I liked this one, as it converts to being able to use with them as a toddler also. Don’t forget the mattress protector and sheets. 
  4. Bouncer – I love the fisher-price bouncer as it’s durable and not too expensive. Our two kids have loved it. 
  5. Swaddle blanket – Babies loved to be swaddled as it gives them the safety and feeling of being in the womb. 
  6. White noise – Honestly, you’ll thank me later. Getting a portable one is best, so you can take it away from home if needed. Also many people ask about the white noise machine I use in studio. It is called the Baby Shusher and can be found on Amazon!
  7. Bath thermometer – We actually have carried on using this up through many ages. It’s really useful for just making sure bathwater isn’t too hot (or cold) for any age child.
  8. Hooded bath towels and wash cloths – Hooded bath towels can be cute presents from people especially if they get it personalized with your baby’s name on them.
  9. Baby Tub
  10. Diapers, diaper pail and diaper cream – Grab a couple of different sizes to begin with. We love these pampers ones, which change color when baby needs changings. Super helpful! You could also decide to go the more environmentally friendly route and get reusable diapers.
  11. Water wipes – Better for baby skin and for the planet. 
  12. Diaper bag – Pick one that is your style, but also functional and can fit everything you need in it (Nothing worse than having a billion bags). There’s so many options for bags that don’t look like a diaper bag. 
  13. Nursing bras and tanks – Makes life so much easier!
  14. Breast pads – I used both the disposable ones and washable wool ones! Both have its benefits!
  15. Nipple cream – Don’t delay in using this! Lifesaver for those early weeks!
  16. High chair – Not useful until about 4-5 months but always worth checking them out sooner rather than later. 
  17. Bibs – All babies are messy babies. 
  18. Breast pump – I highly recommend getting a double breast pump for time efficiency. Spectra has been wildly popular among my clients lately. Don’t forget to check with your insurance which usually supplies one at no cost to you! 
  19. Bottles – It’s worth buying a few different styles, as again, babies can be picky. Dr Browns is what we used but Como Tomo also seems very prevalent among families with newborns! Bottle cleaning brushes and a drying rack are also great purchases.
  20. Baby carrier – I love this Boba one.

Nice additions

  1. Meal subscriptions – I would almost say this is a must-have. When baby arrives, cooking and eating healthy can go out the window, so having readymade meals or deliveries can be so helpful. 
  2. Bottle warmer – Can always just use a mug of warm water to warm the bottles.

Items we never used

  1. Fun outfits for 0-6 months – Little fun outfits are cute, but you honestly end up not using them, as it’s such a hassle and you spend nearly all of your time at home. Save the fun outfits for when they’re a bit older. 
  2. Baby Mittens – Most PJs have little fold-over mittens that work way better, as you don’t lose them. Baby socks work even better than those mittens! 

I highly recommend using a baby registry site like or Amazon wishlist, which allows your friends and family to easily navigate your list and choose where to buy from. As well as the option for them to buy gift cards, so you can use them later for anything you might need to buy. 

Meet Megan

NJ Newborn & Family photographer

I know how important it is to us parents to capture our children just as they are today. No frills or over-the-top props. I specialize in maternity, newborn and family photography with a natural and organic style to achieve just that. I love all things vintage so you will often see me using old crates, quilts, and lace during your session. Time goes by so fast and the little details of babies and children disappear too quickly. I would love the opportunity to capture your memories.

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